Drumming, Rhythm and Regulation through a Polyvagal Lens
Simon C. Faulkner
This article provides practical insights into how exercises on the drum align with polyvagal theory and can support clients managing dysregulated stress responses and assist with emotional control, the processing of traumatic memories and the re-establishment of healthy social relationships.
The Immediate Effect of African Drumming on the Mental Well‐Being of Adults With Mood Disorders: An Uncontrolled Pretest‐Posttest Pilot Study
N. Plastow, L. Joubert, Yushmika Chotoo, Amee Nowers, M. Greeff, Tinka Strydom, M. Theron, Emmé van Niekerk
This pilot study is the first to examine the effects of an occupational therapist‐led African drumming group on mental well‐being among adult psychiatric inpatients with mood disorders. Our positive findings suggest that drumming may be an effective intervention for adults with acute mood disorders.
Drumming to a New Beat: A Group Therapeutic Drumming and Talking Intervention to Improve Mental Health and Behaviour of Disadvantaged Adolescent Boys
Karen Martin, Lisa Johnson
Music Therapy and the Treatment of Trauma-induced Dissociative Disorders
Stephanie Volkman
Exploring the Potentials of Group Drumming as a Group Therapy for Young Female Commercial Sex Workers in Mumbai, India
Varun Ramnarayan Venkit, Amruta Anand Godse & Anand Sharad Godse
Group music therapy for patients with persistent post‐traumatic stress disorder – an exploratory randomized controlled trial with mixed methods evaluation
Catherine Carr, Patricia d’Ardenne, Ann Sloboda, Carleen Scott, Duolao Wang, Stefan Priebe
Drumming through trauma: Music therapy with post-traumatic soldiers Moshe Bensimon, Dorit Amir, Yuval Wolf
Distant Thunder: Drumming with Vietnam Veterans John W. Burt
The traditional healing properties of the drum merge with the latest research from the fields of neuroscience and trauma informed care.
SImon Faulkner
Overview of current work underway to measure the effects of drumming on emotional health and why it does, by measuring affects on the brain using MRI.
Drumming Technique for Assertiveness and Anger Management in the Short-Term Psychiatric Setting for Adult and Adolescent Survivors of Trauma
Cyd Solderoff
Survivors of trauma often have difficulty with assertiveness and anger management. This paper describes an Improvisational technique which utilizes drumming and cognitive-behavioral methods to address issues of power in an experiential and symbolic manner. This drumming technique was developed in an inpatient short-term psychiatric setting with adults and adolescents who had a history of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse.
Drumming and Improvisation with Adult Male Sexual Offenders
Dalena M. Watson
Music Therapy Perspectives, Volume 20, Issue 2, 2002, Pages 105–111,
This article examines the music therapy drumming and improvisation treatment component designed for residential adult male sexual offenders. Techniques draw from rhythm-based music therapy, community drum circles, and music therapy improvisation with offender populations. Goal areas are intimacy, social skills, prosocial behavior, and awareness and expression of emotions. These goals parallel areas of need to reduce risk of recidivism. Staff observations and resident self-reports indicate progress toward all goals in addition to increased positive self-concept.